Sunday, April 4, 2010

My signature in cyberspae

Writing is something that I always had a passion for. My father always thought that I would do better in writing or in law rather than in engineering. May be he is right. So thatta this blog is dedicated to you. Through the years from grade 6, I had diaries, scrap books in which I scribble down how I see things and how I feel the world. It was the perfect way to express myself. Sometimes I felt that it is by writing that I clarify exactly what I feel about things. The worst part was my parents found those writings interesting and they used to secretly read them, which was very annoying. Through the time I always get embarrassed by what I wrote in past. So most of the time all what I wrote ended up in garbage cans. May be I will not dare to delete my blog posts. So here I am putting my signature in the cyber space. These posts are not written to please or impress anyone they are an aid for me to discover myself better.
Signing off for today...


  1. This I got to say - You would make a great writer.
    And I couldn't agree better about the embarrassment caused by letting other people reading what you write. Specially those little private thoughts that you don't want to share with others. Still, it is sometimes surprising, that this embarrassment which you think "Oh! Why me?" is in fact an experience common to many, who pen their thoughts at random. Most of us find what we wrote at first, the thoughts as they flowed through our mind, later feel as if they are stupid or meaningless. It is something which I can not understand, but perhaps it is why they say, "If you cannot say something nice, say nothing at all." For we speak the least sensible, when our thoughts are least collected, and our tempers least controlled! Good luck with the writing... you were always good... and always will be...
